Greg Linton

Recent Experiance

Aerospace Defence Analyst & Instructor


Subject Matter Areas:

I distilled these subjects down to about a second (2nd) year university level for delivery in a military classroom environment.




Previous Experiance

Aurora Project Representative

University of Manitoba

Fort Gary Campus,  - Winnipeg

March - August 2006

Physics Associate

CancerCare Manitoba

Health Science Centre, Winnipeg

October 2000 - February 2004

Formal Geeky Stuff

Informal Geeky Stuff

3D Printing - Anycubic Kobra 2

North Forge - Fabrication Lab

Printed Ciruit Board Design

Arduino microcontrollers

Raspberry Pi


Amateur Radio

Tabletop Board Game Design

Virtual Tabletop Role Playing Games

Video Games

Network systems

Software Defined Radio - Hack RF One